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How to keep a calm mind
I was in a whirlpool of negative emotions for a while. Until recently, I discovered that my mentality had changed a lot from who I was a few years ago. In fact, if you change your mindset a little bit, you can enjoy every moment of your life more and appreciate the various things around you. So today I want to share with you the thoughts behind my calm.
The idea of being dominated
Most of us are governed by two “ideas about life,” not our history, but our future. However, since they have always carried these two heavy burdens in their lives, you might as well try letting go of them for a while.
Often our unconscious or self-conscious thoughts are negative, but they are not our true feelings. When you try to let go of the thoughts and controls that have always bound you, you will find that life will become more and more successful.
This may be a bit abstract, but our thinking is influenced by many later factors, such as society, politics, and the people and events we have met. Furthermore, people tend to remember things they are unhappy with, thereby influencing their views on “history” and “future.” Over time, our thoughts may be assimilated by society or peers, and gradually distanced from our most primitive self. The most important thing is to cultivate self-awareness (Self Awareness) and seek out the East and West that are more real and valuable than our thoughts.
Self-inflicted psychological pain
Most of our psychological pain is not caused by external events, but by our inner thoughts. You might not agree with me and think that your pain was caused by someone or something. The most common example is “Why didn't my parents do this before?” “If this hadn't happened, I wouldn't be like this.” However, our “blame” is all based on evading our own vulnerability. When you find life difficult, don't blame yourself for things you can't change. Just think: “What changes can I make to help myself right now?” You're the only one who decides what you think.
Accepting your own feelings
I've heard the phrase “anger hurts, but nothing does it hurt.” This phrase means we don't need to suppress ourselves or allow ourselves to feel certain emotions. As long as we can accommodate all of our feelings, we can stop them from taking over our thoughts.
As an example, I've recently been outraged about something. However, I didn't suppress myself to feel the current emotion. I use my “self-consciousness” to listen carefully to myself and find the reason for my anger. After you've tried it a few times, you'll find that what triggers your negative emotions often comes from the same source (most commonly seen as a childhood or period of time). Of course, this is not a state of mind that can be achieved in just one hour or three. You need to try and reflect patiently to reach this kind of calm state of mind.
I want you to enjoy life now, with less control and more trust. Not everything in life unfolds the way we imagine, yet we can choose how to face the present. At the end of the day, life is just an experience in our lives. As long as you cultivate your own sense of self and know how to understand your own feelings, you can bring yourself a sense of calm.