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📍 Trier

Trier (Trier) is the oldest city in Germany. It was founded in 16 BC and has a history of over 2,000 years. Since it is close to the Luxembourg border, it only takes an hour by train from Luxembourg. Today, we're taking a day trip here to explore monuments left over from the ancient Roman period.
Overview of day trips in Trier, Germany(For Google Maps, please clickhere)

Porta Nigra → Central Market Hauptmarkt (Crucifix + St. Peter's Fountain) → Trier Cathedral The Dom → Frauenkirche Liebfrauen → Saint Peter Statue St. Petersburg Portal → Sundial Fountain Wasseruhrbrunnen → Karl Marx House → Karl Marx House → Royal Baths of Trier Kaiserthermen
Porta Nigra

The Porta Nigra was built after 170 AD and was one of the five Roman city gates. The name of the city gate stands for “black gate” in Latin, and comes from grey sandstone dyed black by the climate. It was listed as a United Nations World Heritage Site in 1986 and is a symbol of the city of Trier.
Central Market Hauptmarkt

The medieval central market (Hauptmarkt) is the center of the city. According to reports, the cross (Marktkreuz) on the left is the oldest cross of its kind in Germany and symbolizes the right of the episcopal system. Since it was established at this time before 958 AD, various market activities have already been carried out here.

Another market symbol, the Petrusbrunnen (Petrusbrunnen), was built in 1595 and represents the city's protection of St. Peter. The pattern of the fountain represents the cardinal morality of the Cardinal and is used to discipline citizens.
Trier Cathedral The Dom

Trier Cathedral is the oldest bishop's cathedral in Germany. It was also listed as a United Nations World Heritage Site in 1986. According to reports, the sacred robe Jesus wore was preserved here. According to Christian legends, Helena, the queen of the Roman Empire, brought this coat of Christ to Trier. I was fascinated by the west dome of the cathedral. The contrast between the colors on the dome, which is decorated with baroque sculptures, is very exquisite.

In addition, there are two other tombs here, including the Eastern Catacombs, which holds the relics of Helena's skull, and the Middle Catacombs of Saint Maternus.
Frauenkirche Liebfrauen

The Frauenkirche is next to Trier Cathedral and is also a World Heritage Site. Built from 1227 to 1243, the Frauenkirche is one of the earliest Gothic buildings. We arrived almost at noon and felt the unusually severe atmosphere here. Afterwards, we and the other visitors were told by the pastor that visitors were not allowed to enter; presumably, the believers were preparing to pray.
Saint Peter Statue St. Petersburg Portal

On the south side of the church is the statue of St. Peter, from the same German sculptor as the St. Peter Fountain in the Central Market. As one of Jesus' twelve apostles and the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Saint Peter is highly respected as Terrell as a Catholic diocese.
Sundial fountain Wasseruhrbrunnen

There is a large sundial fountain behind the statue of St. Peter. It is a celebration of the founding of Trier in 2000 by the state government of Rheinland-Pfalz (Rheinland-Pfalz). There are five types of bronze animals on the sundial, including horses (Celts), hawks (ancient Rome), sheep (medieval Christian spirit), dogs (Prussian period), and sparrow (peace). Each animal has a symbol representing Trier behind it.
Karl Marx House

Marx's House is the birthplace of the German philosopher Karl Marx (Karl Marx), who lived here for about a year and a half since he was born in 1818. As the founder of Marxism, there are quite a few Chinese tourists who admired it, so you can also see quite a few Chinese comments on the guest book! When we went, we saw a message on the first page in simplified Chinese with the words “Long live Marxism.”

In addition to introducing Marx's life, various versions of the “Communist Manifesto” are also displayed here, as well as the armrest reading chair that Marx used (it is also said that he died in this chair). In addition to this, the exhibition also introduced Marxism's influence on the world. If Marx's theory were explained and derived from various types of socialism, the exhibition also showed the influence of Marxism on the world.
Royal Baths of Trier Kaiserthermen

The Royal Baths of Trier (also known as Caesar's Baths) were built in the 4th century AD and were listed as a World Heritage Site at the same time as the ancient Roman architecture mentioned above. The basement of the bathhouse is an underground channel network used by workers. The ruins of these passages and sewerage systems are still clearly visible, so if you are interested, you can visit for a fee (€4 for adults).
How to get to Trier?
Take the train to Trier train station.
💡 Within Europe:Travel to Trier by train
💡 International visitors:Airline ticket price